Update on EACEA’s new generation of funding programmes

EACEA’s new generation of funding programmes for the period 2021-2027 has now been politically agreed. EACEA’s funding programmes for this period will be: Erasmus+ Creative Europe the European Solidary Corps the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV). These programmes will build on the success of their predecessors (Erasmus+, Creative Europe, the European Solidarity Corps and Europe…

REPORT Executive agencies – evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is the periodical (triennial) evaluation of the operation of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereinafter EACEA). The EACEA is governed by: The Framework Regulation for executive agencies 1; EACEA Act of Establishment 2, which sets out its mandate; EACEA Act of Delegation 3 and its successive amendments, specifying the tasks to…

Newsletter April 2020

SKILLNET CATALOG OPPORTUNITIES Make the difference in achieving excellence in TVET The Skillnet initiative promotes a catalog of several activities and opportunities offered by the Skillman Alliance, with the ultimate objective of raising the quality and attractiveness of TVET providers, fostering the effective use of EU funding instruments, supporting the implementation of relevant EU tools,…

Talk with the Minister for Labour @ the EU 2030 High-Tech Skills Vision

The Minister for Labour, Employment and Social Economy of Luxembourg discussed his view at the workshop on the EU 2030 High-Tech Skills Vision where the Skillman.eu position was presented in front of a highly specialised audience of experts from academy, industry and social parts. The occasion for the very relevant debate was given by the…