This Europe-wide toolkit is inspired by successful VET practices is a result of Cedefop’s work on tackling early leaving from education and training aiming at:

  • helping young people at risk of becoming early leavers to remain in education and training and qualify;
  • helping early leavers to reintegrate into education or training and the labour market.
Policy-makers and practitioners, working in a ministry, VET school, company, guidance centre, public employment service, social service, or youth organisation, looking for ways to:
  • identify and monitor early leavers and learners at risk of leaving education early;
  • intervene to retain them in, or bring them back to, education or training;
  • evaluate related measures undertaken within a country, region or institution.
Register to stay tuned for news and forthcoming events about tackling early leaving.

You can use the toolkit to:

  • Promote reflection and dialogue among policy-makers and practitioners on the current strategies to tackle early leaving from VET;
  • Support decision-making processes through the development of action plans inspired by the toolkit guidance, tips, and good practices.

Integrate the following activities in your workshop, training session or event to promote reflection and good practice on how to tackle early leaving from education and training. The activities, available here in MS word files, can be downloaded and used independently and can be tailored to your audience. Each activity includes a set of questions to trigger reflection and discussion, guidance for consulting the relevant toolkit sections, and materials to help participants turn reflection into action.