ENE-skillman.eu Cooperation Opportunities for 2024
(6th February, 12.00 - 13.00 CET)

On February 6, 2024, the Organisational Committee of the Alliance Summit 2024 hosted an insightful webinar titled "ENE-skillman.eu Cooperation Opportunities for 2024". This online session provided attendees with a comprehensive overview of the purpose and contributors of the upcoming Alliance Summit, shedding light on its program and collaboration prospects. 

Over three hundred professionals registered for the webinar, with an average live attendance of 100 participants. Throughout the session, there were numerous interventions from attendees, highlighting their keen interest in the discussed topics. They expressed full satisfaction and congratulated themselves on the effectiveness of the event. 

During the webinar, emphasis was placed on fostering collaboration, particularly highlighting partnerships with TUD Technische University Dortmund and LHU Liverpool Hope University. Key speakers explored the significance of these collaborations and discussed avenues for mutual growth and advancement within the ENE-Skillman.eu framework.

A central focus of the discussion was the Skillman.eu 2023 Riga declaration, a pivotal document that encapsulates the collective aspirations and commitments of stakeholders involved in the alliance. Participants had the opportunity to delve into the declaration's implications for future initiatives and partnerships.

Urs Hauenstein, Head of International Relations at Skillman.eu, led a presentation on the Alliance Summit 2024, offering valuable insights into its objectives, agenda, and expected outcomes. This presentation served as a guiding light for attendees, providing clarity on the summit's overarching goals and strategies.

The Summit is a part of a long journey where the participants work together to achieve common goals aiming at improving education and TVET. It will take place in the fascinating surroundings of Florence where participants will take the first results of the Alliance's efforts and discuss their further upgrading to make the Alliance stronger!
A statement will also be drafted to help shape the future of TVET as a responsive sector, able to react to megatrends, even anticipate them, and create an inclusive system for all that leaves no one behind. The participants share a strong commitment in co-shaping an inclusive, resilient and sustainable society, where TVET represents a pillar for innovation in curricula development and designing the “society of tomorrow”.

Here is a summary of the interventions made at the webinar:

  1. Jose Manuel Galvin Arribas, Senior Human Capital Development Expert at ETF and Giovanni Crisonà, Skillman.eu Leader, highlighted the key activities and initiatives planned for 2024 by ENE/Skillman.

  2. Thomas Werner Schröder, UNESCO Chair of TVET and Competence Development for the Future of Work at Technische University Dortmund, and Craig Marsh from Liverpool Hope University, discussed the collaboration opportunities between their institutions and Skillman.eu, emphasizing mutual cooperation for future endeavors.

  3. Filippo Del Ninno, Specialist in VET Policies and Systems at ETF, and Giovanni Crisonà, Skillman.eu President, presented the Skillman.eu 2023 Riga declaration, outlining its significance and implications for future initiatives and partnerships.

  4. Urs Hauenstein, Skillman.eu Head of International Relations, provided a comprehensive presentation on the Alliance Summit 2024, offering insights into its objectives, agenda, and expected outcomes.

Each intervention provided valuable insights into the respective topics, contributing to a well-rounded discussion on cooperation opportunities and future plans within the ENE/Skillman framework.

ENE-skillman.eu Cooperation Opportunities for 2024
Skillman Secretariat 14 February, 2024
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