Skillman supports the EU policies against gender and any kind of discrimination and inequalities in the labour market

VET and educational programs in the field of advanced manufacturing developed by Skillman represent opportunities without any gender or other kind of discrimination. Women undertaking educational programs in the field of advanced manufacturing are more than welcome and supported especially in the countries where this right is not facilitated. The skillman platform wish also to highlight other related EU policies and measures which promote the equal chances and equal opportunities.

*********** Promoting equal economic independence for women and men, closing the gender pay gap, advancing gender balance in decision making, ending gender based violence and promoting gender equality beyond the EU.

Tackling the gender pay gap in the European Union

GENDERBALANCE.EU  is a website that covers three gender equality-based projects managed by CSCS, named TWOST, SWOST, and FREASCO, and gives an opportunity for individuals, organizations, educational institutions, vet providers, etc. to increase their knowledge on gender equality, by becoming a part of the gender equality movement for fighting against gender-based violence.

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