The TVET digital triathlon TDT is a friendly competition, organised by Skillman and ETF, in which Centres of Excellences present best practises in different digitalisation reform areas. The objective is to show how different aspects of the digitisation process in education can be addressed by institutions in different contexts with a blend of innovation, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.
The direct target groups of this initiative are the members of the Skillman and ETF Network for Excellence (ENE) networks. The event will be however open and broadly advertised.
Four events will take place between June 2022 and February 2023. For each event 3 cases of best practises will be invited to compete. A panel of international experts, policy makers and practitioners interview the institutions which present their cases of good practices. The experts’ panel will not vote, but will express what they liked more about the different cases of best practise. It will be up to the participants to express their preferences.

The variety of the proposed cases is one of the key added value of this initiative, we don’t really believe the different experiences proposed can be ranked and assessed, but we wanted to introduce a spicy element to get some healthy brashness from usually tidy educational stakeholders. Participating Institutions will get visibility through ETF and Skillman media channels. Additionally, a small publication will be prepared compiling a presentation of the TDT winners best practise cases.

Giovanni Crisonà
International consultant on capacity building in TVET sector, SKILLMAN

Filippo Del Ninno
Human Capital Development Expert, ETF

Stefano Merante
Skills Development Officer, ITC-ILO
The TVET digital triathlon hosts a panel of digitalisation experts. The panel provides a critical analysis of the best practices presented, enquiring about specific elements and highlighting what it found most innovative or effective.
In order to be able to review the different best practices, the panel will be composed of the different profiles.
A policy maker, who has been involved in the development of digitalisation reforms in education
A practitioner with extensive experience in implementing digital teaching and learning pedagogical tools
A digitalisation expert with in depth expertise and up-to-date knowledge of the latest developments in the area of digitalisation in education
1st COMPETITION - 28/06/2022
Digital Labs, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality for Education
Marcin Kasika, Director of Global Education and Training, EON Reality
Cory Delacruz, Growth Marketing & Relations Partners, MIMBUS
Anna Maria Oliva, Proj. Coord. & Operational Management's Ass., Fondazione VITA