Some days ago we introduced the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme aimed at facilitating business exchanges between New Entrepreneurs and experienced Host Entrepreneurs in Europe. Would you instead like to do an experience with an entrepreneur from Singapore? From 2018 it is possible to establish a business-to-business exchange in Singapore, Israel, and some USA states.
This year the programme has expanded to new destinations: Canada, South Korea, and Taiwan!

Within EYE Global, a collaboration between the two entrepreneurs takes place during a 1-3 month stay with the experienced entrepreneur, which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The host benefits from fresh perspectives on his/her business, cooperating with foreign partners and learning about new markets.

The stay of the new entrepreneur is partly financed by the European Commission.


Who can participate?

Experienced entrepreneurs who own and manage a Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise based in the USA (states of New York and Pennsylvania), Singapore or Israel, and soon in Canada, South Korea, and Taiwan.
New entrepreneurs, firmly planning to set up their own business or have less than 3 years of entrepreneurial experience.


How to participate

The process comprises the following four phases:

  1. Application

Whether you are a new or experienced entrepreneur, you can participate by applying via the online registration tool. At this stage, you will also need to contact an intermediary organisation of your choice. This local contact point will be responsible for verifying your application, and if all requirements are met, accepting it.

  1. Matching

Once your application has been accepted, you will have access to an online database of new and host entrepreneurs also participating in the programme. To find a suitable partner for the exchange, you can make up to 5 proposals from this database. Your local contact point is responsible for facilitating contact between entrepreneurs and they will help you look for a partner.

  1. Commitment and preparation

The parties involved (i.e. new entrepreneur, host entrepreneur, and their responsible local contact points) draft a “Commitment to Quality” consisting of a description of the work/learning project, objectives, tasks, responsibilities, deliverables, financial conditions and legal implications of the exchange. The European Commission will review all documentation and the commitment and will give the final validation of the exchange. The local contact points also organise activities such as training to prepare the new entrepreneur for the exchange. 

  1. Implementation phase

You complete the exchange, in one or more time slots in accordance with your needs (see below) and will be asked to fill an online feedback questionnaire at the end. The responsible local contact points will monitor the quality of the exchange on a regular basis and will evaluate the results.

Join Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Global!

in News
Skillman Secretariat 20 July, 2021
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