The training was addressed to test a unit aimed to provide participants with basic knowledge and skills on Business ProcessModelling principles and the related ICT solutions. The students have gained basic information about the project managementgraphic representation and learned how to define the tasks that compose a generic project.
Through a concrete case, each student has been involved in the definition and representation of a real workflow and then in the understanding of the way how a relational databases manages and organises the correspondent data necessary to represent a flowchart or the tabular, kanvas or any other view.
In this way, observing a concrete erp software, they have therefore seen and experimented the relation among their own data and some ICT solution available nowadays for business process modelling.
The piloting training activities have been organised thanks to the commitment of the Italian Partners: CNR – Italian National Research Council, CRF – Fiat Research Center (an FCA company), CSCS – Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo and CEPAS.