Skillman Open Call to grant piloting training activities in automotive sector
The Skillman Consortium ( is launching an International Open Call to host students in a 3-day intensive training course on “Industry & Production 4.0 Manager” in the Automotive sector. The International Call aims to host 24 students between the ages of 18-30 from all Europe. The deadline for applications is 12th March 2017, 23:59 GMT.

What is Skillman?
SKILLMAN ( is a Sector Skills Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing for the Transport Sector, promoted in partnership with a team of industrial players, including Jaguar Land Rover, FIAT Research Centre and SAS, Scandinavian Airlines Systems, in cooperation with research centres, education and awarding bodies, with the support of the Executive Agency for Education and Culture of the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. The Sector Skills Alliance aims at detecting the skills needs and jointly designing educational programmes and qualifications in line with current and emerging technologies, providing solutions to industry led demand for skills and competencies.
Training activities are provided by Italian Partners of Skillman: CNR (Italian National Research Council), CRF (an FCA company), CSCS and CEPASS.
Training activities foresee 2 intensive day at CNR research center of Florence, and a one day visit to main plant and research center of FIAT in Turin.
The activities are planned from April 3rd to April 5th, 2017.

The Call is open to all european students with at least a high school diploma (EQF Level 4, for more information: between the ages of 18-30. Applications will be accepted also by the students attending the final year of their study path.
Evaluation Criteria?
Relevance of the qualification for the themes of the course and profit merit. Level of English proficiency and related certifications.
The selection criteria will also ensure gender equality and equal opportunities through special reserves of places. Priority will also be given to students from schools participating in the Skillman circuit (link for school free membership:
No participation fee. The participants will be provided with travel subsidies, accommodation and meals, under the following rules:
- travels must be done on April 2nd and April 6th. The hosting organization will refund the travel up to 300€ for each participant. Participants are free to expend more than 300€, but they must cover the difference with their own resources. The travel must cover all expenses to arrive at the final accommodation, in the town of Montecatini Terme – Pistoia – Italy. The travel costs admitted are exclusively air, train and bus tickets. No refund will be granted for other expenses. If the expenses will be lower than 300€, the participant will be refunded only for the expenses covering tickets.
- accommodation and meals are provided by Skillman Consortium. Participants will have to cover other personal expense with their own resources. No cash money will be provided.
- The hosting organization will provide internal transports and free insurance for participants in relations to training activities.
Participants who will complete the course will receive the official certificate of Skillman Consortium. Please be aware that all the training activities will be provided in english.