It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the SIF – Skillman International Forum 2022 on 23-24 November 2022, the annual event to redefine the future of learning in the advanced manufacturing sector, organised in partnership with the European Training Foundation and the Regional Programming Centre of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
This year, the Forum addresses the emerging megatrends caused by the impact of pandemics and conflicts between countries, with the main question: can educators embrace the utopia of changing societies?
Your active participation and support in understanding how our community can contribute to a better world are very valuable to us, in the achievement of a successful event of meaningful engagement for the participants and to enrich the conference’s contents with your relevant expertise.
We would be pleased to have you onboard in the event to share your views on the diversified topics proposed at the forum.
Thank you very much for taking the time to consider our invitation, we look forward to receiving your kind feedback.
Giovanni Crisonà
Skillman Leader