Skillman will participate to the first ‘European Vocational Skills Week’ with a dedicated session.

The event will take place from 5 to 9 December 2016 and aims at raising vocational education and training attractiveness (VET) through excellence and quality by showing that it can lead to quality employment, entrepreneurial mindset, attractive and challenging careers and opportunities for up-skilling and re-skilling.
A lot of conferences, workshops and award-givings will be held in Brussels, in parallel with activities organized in Member States by companies, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, social partners, as well as many other stakeholders.
Apart from the session that will be held in Brussels, Skillman will manage also additional local events to introduce the project and further explain its outcomes.
The participation in the European Vocational Skills Week will be a great opportunity to reach relevant stakeholders for the project as learners, companies, business organisations, education and training providers, researchers and public authorities.