Skillman was invited as one of the main speakers to present at the Meeting of the Directors General for Vocational Education and Training (DGVT), on November 10-11, 2020. During the event, Giovanni Crisonà (the Skillman leader) will discuss good practices of innovative sectoral approaches in European VET, introducing the official launch of the Eu Pact for Skills and mainly addressing the following topics:
- How sectoral initiatives and cooperation can effectively build bridges between fast-changing labour market skills needs and (more stable) VET provision, both in initial and continuing VET.
- The opportunities and risks of European vocational core profiles – taking the position of sectoral skills needs and already existing sectoral cooperation.
- How sectoral networks feed their experience into the VET system, including the outreach to other VET and HE stakeholders in their countries and beyond.
The DGVT meeting, organized by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the European Skills Week umbrella, will focus on VET and skills policies in times of recovery, including the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience by the European Commission, the current Draft Council Recommendation on VET as well as the Osnabrück Declaration proposed by the presidency. Moreover, the exclusive event will lay the foundation for the role that vocational education and training will play in implementing the European Education Area, with a special view to excellence in VET, to raise awareness of VET career opportunities and to promote the appeal of the VET system.