The showcase of the “From home to Europe” trainer events for the second multiplier event of the 2Good2Go project (and not only…)

As every other year, June is a time full of initiatives, assessing mid-year results and launching new encounters to share fresh new exciting ideas with the experts in the field of Erasmus+ projects.

It is within this spirit that the upcoming “From home to Europe” (a KA210 Erasmus+ project) will be meeting in Montecatini from June 6th-12th, 2024. Promoted by Fundacion Sieneva, it will join trainers from Spain, Ireland and Italy to explore best practices and project implementation along the lines of sustainability, employment, digital competences, active citizenship, and inclusion.

During these days of intense networking, Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile (FTS) will hold its second  multiplier event for the Erasmus+ project 2Good2Go, cofunded by the European Union and coordinated by PAIZ Konsulting Sp. z o.o., in a partnership involving Croatia, Italy, Lituania, Poland, and Bulgaria.

In this past year, partners have worked hard together to create a model of waste-free development, leveraging on opportunities of changing consumer demands, environmental policies, resource supplies and cricular economy.

For the Italian part, works have been directed by environmental engineer Simone Pagni and made possible thanks to the involvement of key stakeholders at regional and local level, including manufacturing companies, start-ups, and prestigious Universities such as the School of Advanced Studies Sant’Anna.

FTS will also present two ongoing projects, EU4YOUTH2Act and ESCAPE2EU, the former promoting active civic engagement among youth, and the latter promoting social inclusion of youth with backgrounds of migration and fewer opportunities. The presentations will be followed by workshops where participants will have the opportunity to have a deeper look of specific aspects of the projects, provide their feedback on the objectives, implementation, and results, and ultimately share lessons learned on the field.

In Montecatini, the FTS team will be represented by Carla Sabatini, Manuella Walker and Grazia Chiarini for a multiplier event to explain the activities, its results and the benefits its implementation will bring to the territory.

For information on the upcoming summit and the skillman network, visit the homepage.

The showcase of the “From home to Europe” trainer events for the second multiplier event of the 2Good2Go project (and not only…)
Skillman Secretariat 10 June, 2024
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