Skillman was selected by CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, as an example of Sectoral Cooperation on Skills and was invited to the workshop on Skill anticipation methods and practices that took place the 14th and 15th of June in Thessaloniki (Greece).
The event aimed at presenting three methods of skill anticipation (e.i. technological skill foresight, sectorial-based skill anticipation tools and the implementation and practical steps of setting up tracer studies), providing concrete strategies to support national stakeholders in the identification of learning needs.
The sectoral skills model elaborated by Skillman.eu was presented in the session ‘Building on skill foresight: sector-based skill anticipation’ by Mr Giovanni Crisoná. The presentation addressed first the main pillars and the mission of the Skillman.eu Network, to secondly focus on the model, its application and the methodological challenges that need to be overcome.
Further information on the sectoral skills model presented at the CEDEFOP’s Workshop can be found in the presentation.
The participation in the workshop was a great opportunity to learn, exchange relevant information and gather new contacts of experts and organisations able to enrich the efforts in the skill foresight exercise and spread the sectoral skills model and methods.
The 280 members of the Skillman.eu Network will be informed about the outcome of the participation in the Cedefop’s Policy learning forum also in the next newsletter.