Webinar: QualTrack
Quality rating system for Adult Learning Providers

As the dqf.eu services prepare to launch and support Skillman members in issuing digital credentials, the network is surveying its members' accomplishments concerning microcredentials, certifications, quality, and standards.

Members can showcase their initiatives as examples of the network's best practices. One such initiative is QualTrack, a Quality Rating System for Adult Learning Providers, developed as part of the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme. It aims to create an extensive rating system to evaluate educational institutions' criteria. This will facilitate the development of quality components within the institution, promote it through a quality mark, and provide clear information about the price-quality ratio to customers.

The QualTrack project will be presented during a two-hour webinar on 28th May 2024 at 12:00 CET, organised by the QualTrack Consortium. The consortium will discuss its quality assessment model for adult education institutions, assessment methodology, online tools, and global trends in vocational education. QualTrack involves five EU organisations and is supported by the European Commission via the Erasmus+ Programme.

Participants can collaborate with experts to find solutions to pressing employment and skill development issues and learn from others. Join the Skillman community and be part of an innovative group that is leading the education market. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore new ideas with like-minded individuals.



Webinar: QualTrack
Skillman Secretariat 23 May, 2024
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