Who we are

The National Research Council, CNR, is the main public research organization of Italy with about 8000 research personnel. The Institute of Applied Physics “Nello Carrara", IFAC, is part of CNR-Department of Engineering, Information, Energy and Transport, and acts in the project as legal representative CNR. IFAC is an interdisciplinary institute and carries out frontier research about applied physics at international level, to develop new technologies and methodologies and to transfer them effectively to the economic system.

IFAC has been active in many international projects in the FP, ESA, COST programs, coordinating or contributing to: OASIS, SUNNIVA, LITE LUS BUBBLE (FP7 2014), HEMOSPEC, STARDUST, CHARISMA (2013), MOS MEO (ESA 2013) and more. IFAC operates in several sectors of interdisciplinary sciences with best practices of TT to private enterprises. IFAC leads the Centro Ricerca Impresa, a Liason Office involving several CNR institutes, funded by the Tuscany Region, which will act as operative unit in the project Advanced Manufacturing.

IFAC coordinates the Innovation Pole OPTOSCANA (Optoelectronics for biomedical, industry and space application), a TT networking initiative funded by the Tuscany Region, with 100 associated SMEs and large enterprises. The Liason Office Centro Ricerca Impresa of IFAC will link the project Advanced Manufacturing to the CNR-Department of Engineering, Information, Energy and Transport and the CNR-Department for Chemical Science and Materisl technology. In the specific topics of the projects CNR holds several competencies namely engines, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, laser processing, additive machining, sensors, metals neutron tomography, wireless controls etc.


The main public research organization of Italy with about 8000 research personnel.

Role in the Project

The Liason Office Centro Ricerca Impresa of IFAC represents CNR and holds expertise in various sector of applied sciences, technology development, specialist formation. In the project Advanced Manufacturing CNR will contribute to define skills and training provision needs of the transport sector, due to the integration of innovative technologies. The Liason Office Centro Ricerca Impresa of IFAC will involve several institutes of the national network on the technical topics, for example:

  • Optoelectronics, Imaging techniques and Sensors for the Production process (IFAC)

  • Fuels cells, metal organic compound, nanotechnologies for calalysis (ICCOM)

  • Hydrogen storage and energy performance (ISC, ITAE)

  • Alternative fuels (ITAE)

  • Engines and combustion (IM, IRC)

  • Internet, web applications (IIT)

  • 3D modelling, wireless networks (ISTI)

  • Cabin comfort and microclimate and Textile for car interiors (IBIMET).

The Centro Ricerca Impresa of IFAC will employ the administration facility of IFAC, well acquainted with the balance sheets, expenses accounts, traveling accounts required by FP projects.