CRF (an FCA company)
Who we are
With ca 900 full-time professionals, CRF –Centro Ricerche Fiat– (an FCA company), founded in 1978, has the mission to develop and transfer innovative products, processes and methodologies in order to improve the competitiveness of the products of the Fiat Group. Through the cooperation with a pan-European and increasingly global network of more than 1800 partners from industry and academia, CRF (an FCA company) conducts collaborative research initiatives at the national and international levels in partnership with all the key public and private stakeholders concerned with sustainable mobility, targeting specifically the industrial exploitation of research. By December 2013, the Intellectual Property developed by CRF (an FCA company) included a total of 2722 patents, both granted and pending, protecting 662 inventions. The CRF (an FCA company) research activities imply strategic competences not only in the field of automotive engineering, but also in the fields of manufacturing, advanced materials, ICT and electronics, as well as a wide range of state-of-the-art laboratories and extensive test facilities. CRF (an FCA company) develops research and innovation along the three principal axes of sustainability: Environmental Sustainability, which encompasses all aspects relating to energy efficiency as well as to the reduction of the impact on the environment over the entire lifecycle of the vehicle; Social Sustainability, focusing on the safety of transportation systems; Economically sustainable competitiveness, oriented towards viable innovation.
Our philosophy
Economically sustainable competitiveness, oriented towards viable innovation.
Role in the Project
The Process Research area of the CRF (an FCA company) has developed a wide experiences in the following topics:
Zero defect manifacturing
Flexible and adaptive equipment involved in new manufacturing assembly processes
Joining technologies
Virtual analysis
Advanced ergonomics methodologies
In this Project, it is important to identify the skills and professional performance for the new technology and methodology development in the automotive field addressing the concept of energy and environment conservation taking into account the whole lifecycle of the product (design, manufacturing, operation and recycling). Creating a competence network among partners based on multiple disciplines and application sectors in the transport area, addressing energy, safety, user friendliness and mobility system efficiency.