Who we are

Excellence, Achievement and Learning Ltd (EAL) is the specialist, employer‐recognised Awarding Organisation for the engineering, manufacturing, building services and related sectors. We are the only Awarding Organisation to invest in the industries we serve and the skills of those who work within them. Our commitment to partnering industry and focus on our core sectors gives us unrivalled knowledge and understanding of employer skills needs, demonstrated by our close working relationship with Sector Skills Councils. EAL is a pioneering, Awarding Organisation that works closely with industry to identify and award appropriate, high quality skills solutions specifically tailored to business needs. Our business experts work with companies to ensure that the support needed to achieve key goals is in place. In the last five years, EAL has issued 500,000 certificates to learners in schools, colleges, universities, private training facilities and workplaces the length and breadth of the UK. Our industry expertise, coupled with our unrivalled service levels, means that employers – from blue chip household names to small and micro companies – opt to use EAL qualifications to develop their employees. EAL has a wealth of experience working in partnership with a range of stakeholders, including employers, training providers, Sector Skills Councils (SSCs), Trade Associations, professional bodies and Government Departments. We are expert at developing, growing and maintaining working partnerships.

Our philosophy

Identify and award appropriate, high quality skills solutions specifically tailored to business needs.

Role in the Project

  • Commit to facilitating a curriculum that matches European Occupational Profiles by ensuring we develop qualifications that match employer needs.

  • Ensure developments of European and International programmes, operate within the EQF; ECVET; EQAVET remits and regulation.

  • Ensure it provides relevant expertise to undertake accreditation and auditing processes in line with industry standards.

  • Work to accredit a provider (as a new provider and where the provider is renewing offer to deliver training after a period of inactivity). EAL shall also accredit training provider tutors/assessors.

  • Accredit a course specification against Training Standards and accredit the assessment process against Training Standard Assessment Methodology.

  • Audit course providers.

  • Interface with all partners for the duration of the project, to maximize quality of provision and achievement across the relevant sectors.

  • Develop and maintain records of the project.

  • Maintain records of learner registration and certification with regards to EAL approved provision.

  • Ensure access for authorised personnel to access data securely, via secure internet based log in. The designated senior manager shall attend the Project group meetings, providing relevant updates; management reports and any other information as required.

  • Be subject to independent review or audit by the relevant regulators.