SKILLMAN INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2018 Network launches the yearly online SKILLMAN.EU INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2018 on “Curriculum design, Sectoral skills development and Ethical issues on Advanced Manufacturing sector” – November 29th and 30th 2018.
The SKILLMAN.EU INTERNATIONAL FORUM is an online discussion board where experts from around the world can share information and knowledge about different aspects connected to the Advanced Manufacturing and TVET.
The SKILLMAN.EU INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2018 explores the following dimensions in three parallel sessions:
3 focuses

Sectoral skills development
Interconnection and coordination of actions and results with the existing tools and initiatives for sectoral skills development and for anticipating and matching skills and jobs

Curriculum design
Innovative curriculum design in Advanced Manufacturing sector in coherence with ECVET - EQF framework and ESCO classification and innovative solutions for learning

Ethical values
Connecting the competences necessary for Advanced Manufacturing to the personal responsibility according to the UNESCO 17 goals on sustainable development
discussing and analysing the main challenges faced by the Advanced Manufacturing sector regarding:
challenges and new approaches to design new innovative curricula
interconnection and coherence of curricula and professional profiles with ECVET – EQF framework and ESCO classification
Advanced Manufacturing sector and responsibility according to the UNESCO 17 goals on Sustainable Development
social innovation, societal impact, societal challenges and ethical issues
policies and initiatives for sectoral skills development anticipating and matching skills and jobs
discussing relevant issues in Advanced Manufacturing in relation to VET systems, public policies, research and good practices
keeping informed regarding publications and other sources
inquiring and share new ideas, materials, suggestions useful for their work
finding partners for international projects and cooperation