Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN INTERVIEWS CLAUDIO GALLI FROM KOHLER AND ROSSELLA BRINDANI FROM CIS TRAINING SCHOOL The Skillman online interview with Claudio Galli, Director Human Resources Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Kohler, and Rossella Brindani, International Departments Manager at Cis business tr... Apr 28, 2021
Skillman Secretariat LET’S FIND OUT THE OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF DIGITAL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN WBL WITH THIS SKILLMAN WEBINAR Dear members and colleagues, It is with great pleasure that we officially invite you to the next Skillman webinar about “Opportunities and threats of digital teaching and learning in the context o... Apr 28, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN ALLIANCE WELCOMES NEW PARTNER NEROSUBIANCO SRL In March 2021, the Skillman Alliance expanded with the entry of a new company into its network: None [1] NeroSuBianco Srl , an Italian organisation composed of a team of high-level specialists offer... Apr 22, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN HAS A BOOTH AT THE ITCILO VIRTUAL SKILLS FAIR Skillman will have a booth at the ITCILO Virtual Skills Fair [1] that will take place on April 21-22, 2021. The objective of the fair is the development of partnerships among participating institut... Apr 20, 2021
Skillman Secretariat UNDERSTANDING TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SKILL NEEDS: SKILLS SURVEYS AND SKILLS FORECASTING The world of work is being impacted by a fourth industrial revolution, transformed by artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. With forecasts suggesting large shares of workers, displa... Apr 13, 2021
Skillman Secretariat LEARN ABOUT SELFIE AND HOW IT SUPPORTS SCHOOLS FOR LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE Dear Skillman members and colleagues, We are delighted to invite you to another Skillman webinar, on “SELFIE – Supporting schools for learning in the digital age” [1] . This interesting appointment ... Apr 2, 2021
Skillman Secretariat BUSY WEEK WITH TWO SKILLMAN WEBINARS ON INNOVATION STRATEGIES This will be a very rich week in terms of knowledge sharing and networking opportunities. The Skillman Alliance officially invites you to join our two webinars on the following topics: Ambitious Skil... Mar 22, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN INTERVIEWED @DIGITAL & THE CENTERS OF VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT As part of the initiatives set up by ETF (European Training Foundation) [1] called #LearningConnects* and aimed at helping people face the challenges posed by Covid-19 and ensure that learning... Mar 11, 2021
Skillman Secretariat BE A PROTAGONIST AT THE EAPRIL CONFERENCE LEARNING IN THE AGE OF INDUSTRY 4.0 None [1] Eapril (European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning), one of the most active partners within the Skillman Alliance, will be hosting its main annual Conference, on t... Mar 9, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN REITERATES THE PLAN TO TO REINFORCE ITS GLOBAL COVES INITIATIVE@ THE ETF EVENT “COVES AS ENGINES FOR VET DEVELOPMENT” The None [1] European Training Foundation , a long-standing Skillman partner, hosted a two-day online event called “Centres of Vocational Excellence as Engines for Vocational Education and Training ... Mar 9, 2021
Skillman Secretariat JOIN THE ECONFERENCE: SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE LEARNING AND TEACHING THE NEXT APR 28TH The None [1] Warnborough College and None [2] IVETA , the International Vocational Education and Training Association, are hosting together with the Skillman Alliance the Econference: Sustainable... Mar 4, 2021
Skillman Secretariat PUT DIGITAL SKILLS AT THE HEART OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING POLICIES European parliament News In a resolution adopted today on the European Skills Agenda, MEPs call for significant investments to close the digital skills gap. With a view to the green and digital transi... Feb 23, 2021