Skillman Secretariat VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH JANIS HERMANIS (KABADA PROJECT) Janis Hermanis , the coordinator of the Erasmus+ [1] KABADA project , was interviewed by None [2] Skillman and shared valuable information about the online digital tool that is being developed un... Jun 3, 2021
Skillman Secretariat FREE DOWNLOAD OF THE BOOK “POWERING A LEARNING SOCIETY DURING AN AGE OF DISRUPTION”: BY RUPERT MC LEAN , SHANTI JAGANNATHAN AND SUNGSUP RA The newly published book “ Powering a Learning Society During an Age of Disruption”/* is now available on both ADB and Springer websites as follows: ADB: May 31, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN ALLIANCE RENEWS ITS PARTNERSHIP WITH EDUKERRON INTERNATIONAL “Skillman” was launched in 2014 and received the European Commission support in 2015 in the field of education and training. In its specific field of intervention, it is currently becoming the largest... May 25, 2021
Skillman Secretariat “POWERING A LEARNING SOCIETY DURING AN AGE OF DISRUPTION”: THE NEW BOOK BY RUPERT MC LEAN , SHANTI JAGANNATHAN AND SUNGSUP RA THAT HAS A SPECIAL MENTION FOR SKILLMAN Undoubtedly, this is an age of disruption./ This newly edited volume by Sungsup Ra, Shanti Jagannathan, and Rupert Maclean titled “Powering a Learning Society During an Age of Disruption” critically ... May 24, 2021
Skillman Secretariat THE SKILLMAN ALLIANCE REITERATES ITS PARTNERSHIP WITH DITES In May 2021, the Skillman Alliance reiterated its collaboration with the None [1] DITES partner (Digital Technologies, Education and Society)”, through the signing of a new Memorandum of Understand... May 21, 2021
Skillman Secretariat EAPRIL CONFERENCE “LEARNING IN THE AGE OF INDUSTRY 4.0” IN NOVEMBER 2021 None [1] None [2] EAPRIL (the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning), an active partner of the SKillman alliance, will be hosting its main annual Conference, on the ... Apr 30, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN SET CRUCIAL PARTNERSHIPS AT THE ITCILO VIRTUAL SKILLS FAIR Skillman had a booth at the ITCILO Virtual Skills Fair [1] on April 21-22, 2021. The objective of the fair was the development of partnerships among participating institutions, which may lead to so... Apr 30, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN INTERVIEWS CLAUDIO GALLI FROM KOHLER AND ROSSELLA BRINDANI FROM CIS TRAINING SCHOOL The Skillman online interview with Claudio Galli, Director Human Resources Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Kohler, and Rossella Brindani, International Departments Manager at Cis business tr... Apr 28, 2021
Skillman Secretariat LET’S FIND OUT THE OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF DIGITAL TEACHING AND LEARNING IN WBL WITH THIS SKILLMAN WEBINAR Dear members and colleagues, It is with great pleasure that we officially invite you to the next Skillman webinar about “Opportunities and threats of digital teaching and learning in the context o... Apr 28, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN ALLIANCE WELCOMES NEW PARTNER NEROSUBIANCO SRL In March 2021, the Skillman Alliance expanded with the entry of a new company into its network: None [1] NeroSuBianco Srl , an Italian organisation composed of a team of high-level specialists offer... Apr 22, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN HAS A BOOTH AT THE ITCILO VIRTUAL SKILLS FAIR Skillman will have a booth at the ITCILO Virtual Skills Fair [1] that will take place on April 21-22, 2021. The objective of the fair is the development of partnerships among participating institut... Apr 20, 2021
Skillman Secretariat UNDERSTANDING TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SKILL NEEDS: SKILLS SURVEYS AND SKILLS FORECASTING The world of work is being impacted by a fourth industrial revolution, transformed by artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. With forecasts suggesting large shares of workers, displa... Apr 13, 2021