Skillman Secretariat OECD: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is amplifying the opportunities and challenges of the digital transition. In this regard, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( None [1] OECD ) has pub... Sep 28, 2021
Skillman Secretariat EUROPEAN COMMISSION: THE DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR DATA AND A PAPER ON AI Digital technologies are profoundly changing our daily life, our way of working and doing business, and the way people travel, communicate, and relate with each other. Digital communication, social me... Sep 23, 2021
Skillman Secretariat SUSTAINABLE DIGITALISATION: THE EUROPEAN GREEN DIGITAL COALITION Sustainable digitalisation refers to the process of digitalising the economy in a long-lasting, green, and organic way. It aims to support and enable Europe’s twin transitions to a green and digital e... Sep 17, 2021
Skillman Secretariat TOP DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION TRENDS IN EUROPE FOR 2021 This article highlights the top 10 digital transformation trends that will help businesses in Europe grow in this year of recovery. After a recession, a prolonged period of improved business activity... Sep 14, 2021
Skillman Secretariat EUROPEAN DIGITAL DECADE: GOALS FOR 2030 On 9 March 2021, the Commission presented a vision and outlook for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030. This vision for the EU’s digital decade is built around four cardinal points: Skills, Infras... Sep 7, 2021
Skillman Secretariat DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: WHAT’S HAPPENING IN 2021 Digital transformation is undoubtedly one of the hottest topics that deserve the most attention around the world. 2020 and the global pandemic we are currently experiencing have certainly changed the ... Sep 2, 2021
Skillman Secretariat THE KABADA AI-BASED TOOL WILL BE RELEASED SOON! New entrepreneurs often struggle to convert their business ideas into functioning businesses . Initial enthusiasm and big dreams are often dampened by the vast maze of practical obstacles and challen... Aug 27, 2021
Skillman Secretariat APPLYING A GENDER PERSPECTIVE ON WBL The webinar was hosted on *(September 22nd, 14:30/16:30 CET)* Background and focus: * The aim of this webinar is to shed light on the main barriers hindering women’s access to WBL programmes around... Aug 27, 2021
Skillman Secretariat ADAPTIVE EXPERTISE The webinar was hosted on *(September 9th, 14:00/15:00 CET)* Background and focus: * Classroom situations around the world are becoming more and more diverse due to factors such as migration, multi... Aug 26, 2021
Skillman Secretariat ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS GLOBAL Some days ago we introduced the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme aimed at facilitating business exchanges between New Entrepreneurs and experienced Host Entrepreneurs in Europe. Would you ins... Jul 20, 2021
Skillman Secretariat ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS: A HUGE OPPORTUNITY AT HAND Today, we will introduce a European mobility scheme for entrepreneurs, called Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs [1] , initiated by the European Commission [2] in 2009. The programme aims to offer op... Jul 15, 2021
Skillman Secretariat HERE IS A SUCCESSFUL STORY OF STUDENTS’ MOBILITY IN ITALY Last spring, the Italy Mobility team (that manages students’ mobility programs in Pistoia, Italy) had the pleasure of welcoming two new groups from Fundacion Benefico Docente Ciudad de los Muchachos... Jul 15, 2021