Skillman Secretariat VACANCIES | CEDEFOP Status Title Reference Type Closing date Open [1] Expert in public policy analysis and evaluation [2] Cedefop/2020/05/AD Cedefop/2020/05/AD Temporary agent [3] 22/05/2020 Open [4] Data analy... Apr 21, 2020
Skillman Secretariat INTERNATIONAL EXPERT ROUNDTABLE 1 AND 2 JULY 2019 *International Expert Roundtable on Lifelong Learning: Developing a Framework to Monitor and Evaluate Lifelong Learning Implementation, 1 and 2 July 2019* ** The potential envisaged of lifelong lear... Apr 21, 2020
Skillman Secretariat THE SKILLNET CATALOG OF OPPORTUNITIES ** ** ** The Skillnet initiative promotes a catalog of several activities and opportunities offered by the Skillman Alliance, with the ultimate objective of raising the quality and attractiveness of ... Apr 14, 2020
Skillman Secretariat WEBINAR ON SOLUTIONS FOR REMOTE LABORATORIES FOR EDUCATION & RESEARCH On April 13, 2020 at 12 PM (GMT+2) our member Nebulous Systems [1] hosted a free online webinar to show solutions for remote laboratories for education & research. ************************* ENLARGE ... Apr 7, 2020
Skillman Secretariat TOWARDS NEW HORIZONS | CEDEFOP None [1] Transition is the key word that marks the 2019 and 2020 policy framework in which Cedefop operates. The new Commission has set a high ambition for the EU: to move to a green and digital econo... Apr 2, 2020
Skillman Secretariat VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EUROPE, 1995-2035 | CEDEFOP None [1] This synthesis report summarises the findings of the Cedefop project The changing nature and role of vocational education and training (VET) in Europe (2016-18). Research aimed at taking a st... Mar 30, 2020
Skillman Secretariat PLC2 ADVOCACY & POLICY INFLUENCING ** Background and focus: The Vocational Education and Training sector has its own voice in the EU, national and regional arenas. Coordinated actions ensuring that all actors’ interests are taken into... Feb 25, 2020
Skillman Secretariat PLC4 TRAIN THE TRAINERS Background and focus: The aforementioned challenges will require a reinforced human dimension of the TVET sector to build resilience and identify synergies among actors. Capacity building will have a ... Feb 25, 2020
Skillman Secretariat PLC1 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SECTOR ** Background and focus: Tackling challenges related to skill adaptation and anticipation, stakeholder relations and innovation is crucial in the advanced manufacturing sector. This peer-learning gro... Feb 25, 2020
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SKILLS READINESS FOR ACHIEVING SDGS & ADOPTING IR 4.0 Giovanni Crisonà, founder of Skillman , was officiallly invited to participate and give a presentation at the International Conference on “ Skills Readiness for Achieving SDG & Adopting IR 4.0 ”. The... Feb 11, 2020
Skillman Secretariat MEDMOBILITY PRE-SELECTED AMONG 196 PROJECTS Medmobility, the project for Scaling Up Youth Mobility for Employment Across the Mediterranean Sea” submitted in July under the call of the ENI CBC-MED programme, has been admitted to Step 2 of the ev... Jan 24, 2020
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN AT THE KABADA PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING ** The first meeting of the Kabada [1] project, which involves the Skillman network, was held on November 25-26, 2019 in Riga at the BA School of Business and Finance, coordinator of the project. ... Jan 9, 2020