Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN AT THE FIRST 'EUROPEAN VOCATIONAL SKILLS WEEK' Skillman will participate to the first ‘European Vocational Skills Week’ with a dedicated session. The event will take place from 5 to 9 December 2016 and aims at raising vocational education and tr... Sep 30, 2016
Skillman Secretariat IMPROVING ROBOTS’ SENSING CAPABILITY IS A NEW RESEARCH TREND Robots can be designed and programmed to get specific information that is beyond what our five senses can tell us. For instance, a robot sensor might “see” in the dark, detect tiny amounts of invisibl... Sep 21, 2016
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN WORK SHOP AT DK REFERNET MEETING An interested crowd follewed the SKILL MAN workshop in connection with a DK ReferNET meeting 18 th of August 2016. The Danish ReferNET is coordinated by The Danish National Center for Vocational Educ... Sep 21, 2016
Skillman Secretariat THE REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE ART OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR IS NOW AVAILABLE The None [1] Report on the state of the art of advanced manufacturing in the transport sector is now available. The Report has been drafted by Renzo Salimbeni, Associated Senior Researcher and... Sep 17, 2016
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN AT MASTERING THE FUTURE: INTERNATIONAL ENCOUNTERS ON VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING * * * * * * The International Conference about Technical and Vocational Education and Training has been organized by The Deputy Ministry for Vocational Education and Training in Donostia-San Sebastiá... Aug 3, 2016
Skillman Secretariat THE NEW SKILLS AGENDA FOR EUROPE HAS BEEN LAUNCHED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION New Skills Agenda for Europe has been launched in an high-level event organised by the European Commission to boost human capital, employability and competitiveness. To represent the Skillman consorti... Jul 31, 2016
Skillman Secretariat NEW TRENDS IN THE AIR SECTOR: INTERVIEW WITH YASSER HANNAN Dear Yasser, We know that you are experienced in the air sector and that you are teacher in the TEC school. We are very interested in the background of the contributors to Skillman, therefore we would... Jun 16, 2016
Skillman Secretariat MEETING WITH HENRIK HJORTH OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LILLEBAELT The “Robotic Valley” of Denmark is based in Odense and comprise more than 70 robotic and automation companies with approximately 1,800 employees. The city will also host Robobusiness Europe over the ... Apr 19, 2016
Skillman Secretariat THE SKILLS GAP IN THE INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) SECTOR REMAINS AN OBSTACLE Internet of Things ( IoT ) is one of the most revolutionary technology trends of this lifetime. The need for developers is growing since the IoT continues its rapid ascent and a recent re... Apr 18, 2016
Skillman Secretariat SKILLS SHORTAGES IN UK AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR A new Automotive Council report has revealed that even if Britain’s car industry roars ahead on productivity, the sector is facing a serious skills shortage and up to 5,000 jobs could be vacant nation... Apr 8, 2016
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN SUPPORTS THE KIC EIT RAWMATERIALS Skillman supports from December 2015 the KIC EIT RawMaterials (EIT RM), an EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), funded in 2014 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EI... Apr 8, 2016
Skillman Secretariat GRAPHENE: THE MOST PROMISING OF CARBON-BASED NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS EU 2020 agenda states that EU is the home to world leading manufacturing industries, game changing innovative technologies and an entrepreneurial infrastructure that can enable the transition to a r... Jan 25, 2016