Skillman Secretariat IOT-CONNECTED CARS: THE NEW CHALLANGE Technology is evolving so rapidly it has become an integral component of everyday life and h aving uninterrupted connectivity is necessary, even while driving. In fact, analysts predict that by 2016 ... Jan 12, 2016
Skillman Secretariat IMPROVING ROBOTS SENSORS One of problem areas, which the Sector Skills Alliance intends to answer is related to the advanced productions processes involving automated robotics. Industrial robots, in fact, are becoming smarter... Jan 8, 2016
Skillman Secretariat GREENERGY FROM ITALY Skillman Researchers are deeply committed in studying the technology trends of the automotive, aerospace and train industries with the aim to depict the skills needs in the Transport Sector. Recently,... Dec 28, 2015
Skillman Secretariat 'SKILLMAN' PRESENTED AT THE 'CENTRAL ASIA ACADEMY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF VET PROVISION' EVENT Skillman and the opportunities provided by the project to universities and vocational schools has been introduced to the participants of ‘Central Asia Academy for development of Vet Provision’ event d... Dec 23, 2015
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN.EU HAS BEEN PRESENTED AT UNESCO HEADQUARTERS IN PARIS Mr Borhene Chakroun, Mr Keith Holmes and Ms Katrien Daelman of the UNESCO Section for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) met Mr Giovanni Crisonà on Friday 26th of June 2015, to lea... Dec 23, 2015
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN MEMBER OF THE EU AUTOMOTIVE SKILLS COUNCIL None [1] 28 2015 Conferences [2] Events [3] On may 2015 Skillman has signed a membership agreement with the EU Automotive Skills Council (European Council for Skills and Employment in the Automotiv... May 28, 2015