Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2020 IN FOCUS: PRESENTATIONS ABSTRACTS The 6th edition of the yearly SIF – SKILLMAN.EU INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2020, about redefining the future of learning, will take place on December 10th and 11th 2020.As organizers,, AER, IVETA... Dec 1, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN INVITED TO SPEAK AT THE MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS GENERAL FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING – DGVT Skillman was invited as one of the main speakers to present at the Meeting of the Directors General for Vocational Education and Training (DGVT) [1] , on November 10-11, 2020. During the event, Giova... Nov 6, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN ETHICAL SKILLS AWARD 2020 For many years, Skillman has successfully led the None [1] Skillman Ethical Skills Award initiative, aimed at recognizing and celebrating examples of excellence across environments and cultures, em... Nov 6, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat OFFICIAL INVITATION TO THE SKILLMAN INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2020 As a recurrent occasion, The Skillman Alliance will host again this year its Skillman International Forum (SIF) 2020, the online event on redefining the future of learning in the advanced manufacturin... Nov 6, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat LET’S REDEFINE THE FUTURE OF LEARNING: SUBSCRIBE TO THE SKILLMAN ETHICAL CAMPAIGN Established in 2014, the Network [1] delivers concrete and innovative solutions as to the skills needed in the field of advanced manufacturing involving organizations in 84 countries. et... Nov 3, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat Work-Based Learning curriculum development *Background and focus: * During the webinar international experts and practitioners will present different models of cooperation between TVET providers and WBL providers in relation to curriculum deve... Curriculum Skillman Work-based Learning Oct 27, 2020 Webinars
Skillman Secretariat WHY THE WEBINAR ON “LIFELONG LEARNING: UPSKILLING AND RESKILLING OF 50+” WAS A SUCCESS On October 21st, the Assembly of European Regions in cooperation with Skillman Alliance, hosted the “ Lifelong learning: Upskilling and Reskilling of 50+” webinar. This was the sixth webinar on EU f... Oct 23, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat INVITATION TO SKILLMAN WEBINAR ON “WORK-BASED LEARNING CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT” Dear partners and friends, The Skillman Secretariat is honoured to invite you to the Skillman webinar on “Work-Based Learning curriculum development ”, on October 27th, 10:00/11:30 CET, organized... Oct 22, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat LEONARDO: A NEW EUROHPC WORLD-CLASS PRE-EXASCALE SUPERCOMPUTER IN ITALY The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and CINECA, the hosting entity of LEONARDO, a new EuroHPC precursor to exascale supercomputers, have announced the company Atos a... Oct 22, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat Lifelong learning: Up-skilling and reskilling 50+ * * *Background and focus: * This webinar *aims at bridging the gap between the need for up-skilling and reskilling* and will highlight some relevant regional examples. In a context of rapidly changin... 50+ Reskilling Skillman Up-skilling Oct 21, 2020 Webinars
Skillman Secretariat EAPRIL ONLINE EVENT ON TEACHING IN (HIGHER) EDUCATION IN THE COVID-19 ERA Our Skillman partner EAPRIL [1] will host an online event that might be of the interest of our network members, on ‘Teaching in (Higher) Education in the COVID-19 era’ . The event will take place o... Oct 15, 2020 News
Skillman Secretariat INVITATION TO SKILLMAN WEBINAR ON “LIFELONG LEARNING: UP-SKILLING AND RESKILLING 50+” Dear partners and friends, The Skillman Secretariat is honoured to invite you to the Skillman webinar on “Lifelong learning: Up-skilling and reskilling 50+”, [1] on October 21st, 10:00/11:15 CET... Oct 13, 2020 News