Skillman Secretariat PEOPLE WHO WILL JOIN THE SKILLMAN NETWORK COULD UTILISE THE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION PROGRAMME FOR FREE Training providers and employers committed to delivering curriculum that meets the skills demands of the advanced manufacturing and engineering workforce are called to join the Skillman network.Member... Dec 12, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat SKILLMAN PRESENTATION IN TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION, SCHOOL OF EDUCATION (ISRAEL) The 21st November 2017, Skillman project has been presented by prof. Tiziana Chiappelli (University of Florence and CSCS) in a meeting with prof. Ilya Levin at the Department of Mathematics, Science a... Dec 7, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat THE WORKSHOP ON ROBOTICS WAS CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE SKILLMAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ** ** by Rachael McCorriston from JLR/ The workshop on Robotics included representatives from training organisations in Germany, as well as in Turkey and Macedonia. It was part of the SKILLMAN interna... Dec 7, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat EUROPEAN VET SYSTEM AND SKILLMAN AGREEMENT by Tiziana ChiappelliSome few reflections by Tiziana Chiappelli after the International San Sebastian Conference:Skillman project Consortium works for the implementation of the indicators included in ... Dec 7, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat WORKSHOP ON COMPOSITE WAS CARRIED OUT THE PAST 8TH NOVEMBER AS A PART OF THE SKILLMAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE The Workshop on composite was a part of the international conference program carried out on 8th November in TKNIKA – the center promoted by the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Education and Training of ... Dec 7, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat LAST SKILLMAN.EU ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT DURING THE EUROPEAN VOCATIONAL SKILLS WEEK 2017 After the success of the International Skillman Conference held in San Sebastian the past 8th of November, the Skillman consortium has continued organising five additional online meetings to discuss 4... Dec 2, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat RESEARCH ADVANCEMENTS AND TECHNOLOGY FORESIGHT At the beginning of the XXI century the Transport sector is experiencing innovation breakthroughs that are deeply changing manufacturing technologies: both automotive and avionics have seen emerging t... Dec 2, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat AN AGREEMENT AMONG SKILLMAN AND LEAN PROJECT ENRICHES THE POTENTIAL OF THE SKILLMAN EDUCATIONAL OFFER WITHIN AND BEYOND EUROPE An agreement among Skillman, represented by Giovanni Crisonà, president of CSCS, and LEAN, represented by Stefano Maccaferri, president of CENTOFORM Srl, has been signed with the aim to start a cooper... Dec 1, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat THE ROLE OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION WITHIN INDUSTRIES THAT ARE GOING THROUGH RAPID CHANGE Jorge Arévalo Turrillas, Regional Deputy Minister for Vocational Training at the Basque Government, delivers a talk on the role of Vocational Education within industries that are going through rapid c... Nov 22, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat AN ANALYSIS OF DRIVERS, BARRIERS AND READINESS FACTORS FOR ADOPTING ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES IS NOW AVAILABLE This study identifies the main reasons for the adoption of Advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) by companies and shows that the uptake of these technologies creates benefits to industrial competi... Nov 21, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat COMPUTERS AND THE FUTURE OF SKILL DEMAND: A BOOK FROM STUART W. ELLIOTT Computer scientists are working on reproducing all human skills using artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. Unsurprisingly then, many people worry that these advances will dramatical... Nov 11, 2017 News
Skillman Secretariat THE INTERNATIONAL SKILLMAN CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD THE NEXT NOVEMBER, 8TH IN SAN SEBASTIAN The International Skillman Conference, hosted by Tknika [1] the next 8th of November, counts with the participation of specialists from different countries all around the world. Beside the european... Nov 7, 2017 News