What is the VET toolkit for tackling early leaving?

This Europe-wide toolkit is inspired by successful VET practices is a result of Cedefop’s work on tackling early leaving from education and training aiming at:

  • helping young people at risk of becoming early leavers to remain in education and training and qualify;
  • helping early leavers to reintegrate into education or training and the labour market.


Who can benefit from the toolkit?

Policy-makers and practitioners, working in a ministry, VET school, company, guidance centre, public employment service, social service, or youth organisation, looking for ways to:
  • identify and monitor early leavers and learners at risk of leaving education early;
  • intervene to retain them in, or bring them back to, education or training;
  • evaluate related measures undertaken within a country, region or institution.


What resources are available?

  • Reflection tool for policy-makers: how to improve the national strategy to tackle early leaving from VET – intended to help government representatives at national, regional or local level to reflect about the current strategies for tackling early leaving from education and training in the country, region or municipality, and develop an action plan to improve them.
  • Reflection tool for VET providers: how to improve your approach to tackle early leaving – intended to help VET providers to reflect about their approach to tackle early leaving, and develop an action plan to improve it. (coming soon)
  • Evaluation plans for policy makers or VET providers to help design an appropriate monitoring and evaluation approach.
  • Good practices – successful measures implemented in different EU countries to tackle early leaving.
  • Tools for tackling early leaving from education and training, drawn from successful VET practices, including instruments developed as part of projects funded by the Lifelong learning and Erasmus+ programmes.
  • Quick wins – relatively simple and quick to implement activities that can contribute to tackling early leaving.

The toolkit covers resources at the European or international initiatives and also resources from 33 European countries, including all the 27 EU member states.