The newly submitted FREASCO project influences Skillman’s gender policies

On April 15th, 2020, CSCS along with an extensive EU partnership, has presented the “Free from sexism and sexual harassment at school (FREASCO)” project, under the DG Justice call for proposals to prevent and fight all forms of violence against children, young people, and women.  The project consortium is led by the Department of Education,…

International Expert Roundtable 1 and 2 July 2019

International Expert Roundtable on Lifelong Learning: Developing a Framework to Monitor and Evaluate Lifelong Learning Implementation, 1 and 2 July 2019 The potential envisaged of lifelong learning – both as a social good and economic imperative – is widely acknowledged. Many countries, including Singapore, have implemented strategies and policies to facilitate the access to and…

Vacancies | Cedefop

Status Title Reference Type Closing date Open Expert in public policy analysis and evaluation Cedefop/2020/05/AD Cedefop/2020/05/AD Temporary agent 22/05/2020 Open Data analyst Cedefop/2020/04/AD Cedefop/2020/04/AD Temporary agent 21/05/2020 Open Expert in labour market and skills research Cedefop/2020/03/AD Cedefop/2020/03/AD Temporary agent 20/05/2020 Open Expert in qualifications and learning outcomes Cedefop/2020/02/AD Cedefop/2020/02/AD Temporary agent 19/05/2020   Source: Vacancies | Cedefop